About Us

We do small things with great love,

reaching out to neighbors and nations,

for the greater glory of God!

Here’s what you can expect during a Sunday morning worship service:

  • We begin with a brief call to worship, including upcoming opportunities and ways to connect (aka “announcements“).
  • We spend 30-40 minutes worshiping God through music and our weekly celebration of Communion. All are welcome at the table of Communion.
  • Preschool and elementary-aged children are then invited to participate in Sunday School, a safe, fun, inspiring environment with loving & experienced teachers.
  • We listen to and learn from a 20-25 minute biblical & practical sermon.
  • We set aside time and space in which to respond to the Holy Spirit and pray for one another.
  • Once a month we enjoy a Sunday potluck lunch together immediately after our worship service.
  • Special family-style services are held on Easter Sunday, Christmas Eve, and 5th Sundays / Testimony Sunday

What about politics?

Here’s some more of our history … there’s more to come! Liberty Vineyard Church (established 2013) is one of over 2500 congregations in 16 associations (95 countries) which form Vineyard Global. We, the existing Vineyards worldwide, are committed to the multiplication of Kingdom and God-minded, Christ-centered communities of local churches and Vineyard movements in all the nations of the world. Please click here to discover more about our Vineyard core values and statement of faith.

Click here to read about our Pastoral Care & Leadership Team (PCLT).

Liberty Vineyard Church meets on Sundays @ 10:30am at 111 Pounds Dr., Tucker, GA (south of Hwy 29 / Lawrenceville Hwy just east of Jimmy Carter Blvd / Mountain Industrial Blvd). Our church services are held in the sanctuary of the First Atlanta Hispanic Seventh Day Adventist Church building, with a simultaneous Zoom option.

Each worship service includes Worship, Communion, Scripture, Sermon, Prayer, Sunday School (for children), and many ways to connect. Everyone is welcome – please join us! Please let us know if you have any questions.

Option 1 – attend in person (Sundays @ 10:30am)

We do small things with great love,

reaching out to neighbors and nations,

for the greater glory of God!

Relational: weekly Sunday morning worship services with casual dress & seating; many ways to connect each week; Sunday school for children with caring teachers; biweekly Everybody Gets to Play updates; monthly Birthday Blessing; monthly home-cooked Sunday potluck lunch; quarterly Testimony Sunday; monthly movie nights for teens & adults; regular Family Sharing Time; occasional women’s Tea

Real: biblical & practical sermons; weekly opportunity to pray with others; small groups (including monthly men’s brunch, weekly women’s Bible study, and more); monthly Continuing the Conversation; periodic classes; involvement with the Society of Vineyard Scholars

Responsible: frequent Outreach Opportunities to directly help neighbors & nations; weekly Pray the News; monthly Missions Moments; Prayer Shawl ministry; monthly Music and Ministry at Meadowbrook; quarterly Adopt-a-road cleanup; occasional Pounds Road cleanup; annual Rivers Alive cleanup; annual Pet Blessing; practical assistance; occasional mission trips

Reflective: weekly Communion celebration in which all are welcomed and invited to participate in this remembrance of Christ Jesus’s love and sacrifice for us; weekly pre-worship-service prayer via Zoom, weekly midweek prayer via Zoom; collaborative Multimedia Devotionals throughout Lent and Advent; special Easter celebrations; special Christmas celebrations; occasional Contemplative Photography gatherings; occasional reflective retreats

Renewed: weekly worship services with songs & prayers that help us experience the power and presence of God; Spirit-led gatherings; global Vineyard church movement; occasional Nights of Worship; Baptisms; Child dedications

We share in the highs and lows of life together, trusting God in every season, through worship, prayer, shared meals, and community. “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42, NLT)

You are welcome to join us in anything we do! Let us know how we can help you get connected!

Liberty Vineyard Church is 11 years old – October 2024!

Each year we have a special church birthday celebration in order to give thanks to God for all He has done in and through us. At various times during the year we honor our Pastoral Care & Leadership Team and all those who volunteer.

LVC Assorted Videos

LVC Multimedia Advent Devotional

LVC Multimedia Lent Devotional