March 2023:
We did our 35th quarterly adopt-a-road cleanup, cleaning up our stretch of road along Jimmy Carter Blvd between Hwy 29 and Britt Rd. We had a great time beautifying our community, sharing life and stories, and tailgating with coffee & donuts.
June 2023:
We did our 36th quarterly adopt-a-road cleanup, cleaning up our stretch of road along Jimmy Carter Blvd between Hwy 29 and Britt Rd. It’s a joy that there’s a gorgeous little creek on the side of our section of road, something you can enjoy only if you’re walking! Along with numerous bottles, wrappers, and papers, we found an extra large car part this time. It’s always a good time making our community a little more beautiful as we walk together along the sidewalks of this super busy road!
August 2023:
We did our first (of hopefully many more to come) Music & Ministry at Meadowbrook, and had a delightful time with the beautiful residents and staff as we enjoyed the beauty of music and spent time getting to know one another.
August 2023:
Seven of us went out after our monthly Potluck Lunch and cleaned up Pounds Rd – one of our hottest days this summer, and we had a great time bringing some beauty to our community together!
September 2023:
We did our 37th quarterly adopt-a-road cleanup, cleaning up our stretch of road along Jimmy Carter Blvd between Hwy 29 and Britt Rd. We had a great time adding a touch of beauty to our community by picking up assorted trash, chatting away in the beautiful weather, staying safe on the sidewalks, and tailgating with Dunkin donuts & coffee!
September 2023:
We did Music & Ministry at Meadowbrook – this time, Scott treated us all to a banjo concert / sing-a-long while we savored some late summer popsicles! We had a great time with the wonderful residents and staff, enjoying the beauty of music and getting to know one another.

October 2023:
We did Music & Ministry at Meadowbrook – although Karis had been scheduled to sing, she had to cancel the night before due to sickness. Robby (her husband) offered to sing in her place and treated us to a Musical Theater Sampler he put together late the night before! We had a wonderful time enjoying this musical feast with residents, staff, and LVC-ers, enjoying conversations, connections, and ice cream sandwiches.
November 2023
We had our annual Operation Christmas Child packing party (beautifully organized by Kelsey!) (after enjoying Marco’s Pizza and cake) – many hands made light work, and we had a blast putting together dozens of gift boxes, each of which will demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. Thanks to all who contributed in any way, and all who stayed to help – Bart, Declan, Don, Faith, Jeanne, Karen, Kelsey, Patricia, Paul, Scott, Shelly, Tamera, Theresa. This year we packed and sent 27 boxes – all glory to God!
November 2023
We did Music & Ministry at Meadowbrook and Karis performed a set of “Songs to Lift Your Spirits” (accompanied by Mum, aka Karen, and with a special song with Robby at the end! Those who came from Liberty Vineyard had a wonderful time with the beautiful residents as we spent time together and of course enjoyed some ice cream!
December 2023
After receiving a HUGE donation of corn chips (from an anonymous donor who left hundreds of boxes at our host church), we distributed over 100 boxes to various people in our community, including 43 boxes delivered to The Elizabeth Foundation – “loving, caring & helping the homeless” in the Chamblee area. We also taped invitations to our Christmas Eve service to 315 bags of chips and delivered them to an apartment community just around the corner.
December 2023
We did our 38th quarterly adopt-a-road cleanup, cleaning up our stretch of road along Jimmy Carter Blvd between Hwy 29 and Britt Rd. We had a great time adding a touch of beauty to our community by picking up an eclectic and always surprising assortment trash, chatting away in the beautiful weather, and staying safe on the sidewalks! No tailgating this time, because we did a midweek afternoon cleanup. Come join us any time for this simple and satisfying way to care for our community!
December 2023
We did our first “Rivers Alive” cleanup in the woods inside of Lucky Shoals Park, near Jackson Creek (which runs under our regular Adopt-a-road stretch). The mission of Rivers Alive is to create awareness of and involvement in the preservation of Georgia’s water resources. Three of us cleared some paths through the woods the day before. On the day of our cleanup, we tailgated with Subway sandwiches & chips, prayed together, and then fifteen volunteers worked hard for two hours to clean up 674 pounds of trash in the Jackson Creek watershed (meticulously tallying every piece of trash)! Tamera did an awesome job organizing this incredible cleanup, and now our waterways are cleaner and more beautiful! A huge thanks to all who participated – Aditi, Allen, Bart, Don, Faith, Jeanne, Jim, Jonathan, Karen, Kelsey, Michael, Nancy, Pam, Paul, Tamera. All glory to God, who loves and cares for every part of his creation!
December 2023
We did Music & Ministry at Meadowbrook – this time, Tamera and team performed a set of Christmas Songs! Those who came from Liberty Vineyard had a wonderful time with the beautiful residents as we spent time together and enjoyed some of JR & Dawn’s home made choc chip cookies and fudge!