
At Liberty Vineyard, we value prayer and reflection, and we seek to incorporate practices in our lives that allow us to live in the awareness of the presence of God in every moment, relationship, and situation. While we pray together in every gathering (including worship services, small groups, etc.), we also have specific prayer-focused opportunities (scroll down for more information).

Pray the News (every Sunday @ 10:30am-noon)

Reading or watching the news can make us feel frustrated, fearful, anxious, angry, overwhelmed, or “over it” … at Liberty Vineyard we take time each Sunday to “pray the news” which has two main purposes: we hold a difficult piece of news in the light of Christ (who hears our prayers), and we cast our cares on God (who cares for us). “Pray the News” is one of the ways in which we care for neighbors and nations. Pray the News team: Karen, Allen, Jim, Nancy, Paul

1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NRSV) – “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.”

Contemplative Photography (Saturday, Sep 28th @ 9:00am-noon)

Our next Contemplative Photography session will be on Saturday, September 28th from 9:00am-noon – come join us as we consider God’s magnificent creation, find places that nudge us to awe and wonder, record photographic pictures, and journal thoughts.

Location: Stone Mountain Park, Grist Mill Pavilion B (click on map below)

Taught by Allen & Nancy Penton—bring a camera / phone for instruction, inspiration, refreshments, resources (no charge!)

Please let us know if you’re interested in our next scheduled Contemplative Photography event!

Contemplative Photography journal:

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is an hour of one-to-one conversation with someone trained to assist you in hearing God. It is a prayerful three-way conversation between you, God, and the spiritual director. Spiritual directors see ourselves as facilitators helping to identify and encourage the movements of God in a person’s life. Unlike mentors or therapists, we do not generally offer advice or diagnose problems; instead we journey with someone to explore their own spirituality, questions, or uncertainty. We look for God’s direction together.

Please contact Nancy if you would like to make a spiritual direction appointment or find out more information.