Following Jesus faithfully with a hearing heart

Everybody Gets to Play #44

What a beautiful story Karen recounted last week about the paralyzed man (aka Temple Guy) who waited with anticipation at the gate of the temple called Beautiful. As he asked for alms, he encountered Peter and John who didn’t have any silver or gold to offer, but had something so much better – a healing miracle through the power of God. The sermon, “A Living Blueprint,” challenged us to follow Jesus as the early disciples did – with boldness and creativity as we proclaim the good news.  As we ask and believe the Holy Spirit to fill us and ignite us, we too, can expect to see God move.

Just as Jesus called the disciples with the two words – Follow Me, he has called each of us with the same invitation. We are sent on a sometimes messy journey to follow Jesus in our daily lives.

 At the end of her sermon Karen extended a Call to Prayer (July 16th – August 13th) Seeking Jesus’ heart, wisdom, and direction for Liberty Vineyard Church. Everyone is asked to set aside intentional time to pray and seek God’s words of wisdom. Please share anything you feel God is saying with someone on the leadership team and these thoughts are being complied on Dropbox to be shared later.

In this week’s sermon Nancy took us through the account of Stephen being martyred. This ordinary man, full of faith and knowing the Scriptures, was willing to serve feeding the widows. He demonstrated signs and wonders. Even as he was being stoned, without bitterness, he asked God not to hold this sin against them. Like Solomon, he looked to God for wisdom. In response to Nancy’s sermon, Beth shared a perspective of wisdom. The word carries the connotation of being in the posture of having a hearing heart in our relationship with God and others.

To consider:

Things don’t always go as WE plan, and we can’t change the past. We can, however, look ahead with confidence that God wants us to continue to follow him. How can we follow faithfully with a ‘hearing heart’ in this season?

How can we follow Stephen’s example of serving others while expecting God to demonstrate His power?

What do we expect God to do for our church during this month of CALL TO PRAYER for LVC?

As John often encouraged us, let’s ask God for surprises and expect them.

With you on the journey,

Jim Roberson

Pastoral Care Team, Liberty Vineyard Church

(678) 469-8156

Recent Sunday sermons: