How Much More (Lisa Harper)

Here are the notes and words for the fill-in-the-blanks in our “How Much More” women’s Bible study with Lisa Harper (via DVDs).

Week 1 - How Much More, part 1

Exodus 20:8-11

Leviticus 23:1-3

What impacted you the most from the video teaching?

Lisa said that God always has been and always will be working on our behalf. Do you really believe that? If so, why? If not, share a bit about your struggle.

How would you define imago Dei to a friend who doesn’t know much about God or Christianity? Why is this such an important truth?

Homework: p. 9-22

Week 2 - How Much More, part 2

How do you see the redemptive heart of God in His “herding” Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden? How have you experienced God’s redemptive heart in times He has herded you?

How have you seen God take what some would see as the least and use it mightily for His purposes and glory?

When you look back on your story, how have you experienced the goodness and kindness of God in all your circumstances?

How did this video teaching reveal the redemptive heart and extravagant love of God?

Homework: p. 23-31

Week 3 - How Much More Liberating Is the Will of God than the Ways of Man, part 1

Exodus 21:2; Exodus 2:20-21; Exodus 2:28-32

What impacted you most from the video teaching?

How have you seen God show His love, care, and redemption in a difficult or tragic circumstance in your life or in the life of someone close to you?

Why do you think God’s character gets such a bad rap in the Old Testament? Did you ever have a negative view of the God you saw in the Old Testament? Explain.

Homework: p. 35-44

Week 4 - How Much More Liberating Is the Will of God than the Ways of Man, part 2

Have you ever been guilty of fashioning God in your own image? What is the consequence of doing that?

Lisa said we’re not bold enough because we don’t believe enough. What does that mean? Do you agree? Explain.

Do you absolutely believe that God is for you? If not, why not? If so, how does your faith walk and prayer life give evidence of your belief?

How did this video teaching reveal the redemptive heart and extravagant love of God?

Homework: p. 45-55

Week 5 - How Much More Redemptive Is God's Unconditional Love, part 1

Hosea 1:2-3

What impacted you the most from the video teaching?

Have you ever done a study or heard teaching on the Song of Songs? What was the context? What did you learn?

Do you ever settle for mediocrity in your relationship with God? Explain?

Homework: p. 59-71

Week 6 - How Much More Redemptive Is God's Unconditional Love, part 2

How does the story from the Song of Songs help you better understand God’s love for you?

Do you feel you are able to bring all of yourself to God? If not, what seems to hold you back the most from an intimate relationship with Him?

How would truly understanding the extravagant love God has for you change your relationship with Him and change the way you live your life?

How did this video teaching reveal the redemptive heart and extravagant love of God?

Homework: p. 72-81

Week 7 - How Much More Should the Gospel We Proclaim Bring Hope to Our Broken World, part 1

Matthew 25:1-13

What impacted you the most from the video teaching?

What causes us to view the Bible as more of a rule book rather than a love story? Has this been your experience? Explain.

How does the gospel stand in opposition to our current culture? Is this surprising to you? Explain.

Homework: p. 85-97

Week 8 - How Much More Should the Gospel We Proclaim Bring Hope to Our Broken World, part 2

How have you personally faced opposition for the sake of the gospel?

Do you shamelessly and boldly present your requests to God? What keeps you from praying audacious prayers?

What are some bold prayers you’ve seen God answer in your life, your family, or your church? What audacious things are you currently asking God for?

How did this video teaching reveal the redemptive heart and extravagant love of God?

Homework: p. 98-105

Week 9 - How Much More Miraculous When God Creates Something Out of Nothing, part 1

Luke 1:26-37

What impacted you the most from the video teaching?

Have you ever been marginalized or made to feel “less than” for being a woman? Explain. How has that affected your willingness to lead?

What do you glean from the fact that Jesus had three women who were very involved in His ministry and among His closest companions?

Homework: p. 109-119

Week 10 - How Much More Miraculous When God Creates Something Out of Nothing, part 2

How do these examples of women in leadership and ministry encourage you in your service for Christ and His church?

How has God equipped you to lead out in kingdom ministry?

What current opportunities do you have to lead out? Is there something holding you back? If so, what is it?

How did this video teaching reveal the redemptive heart and extravagant love of God?

Homework: p. 120-131

Week 11 - How Much More Is Humility and Sacrifice the Way of Christ, part 1

John 13:1-17

What impacted you the most from the video teaching?

Would you say you’re currently standing out in the culture or blending in? Explain.

What seems to hinder you the most in standing out? What are the consequences personally and for the church if we continue to just blend in?

Homework: p. 135-145

Week 12 - How Much More Is Humility and Sacrifice the Way of Christ, part 2

How does standing in the confidence that you are dearly loved by God affect your walk of faith and your ministry for Him?

How can we better open our arms wide for the difficult people in our lives and for those who seem to be walking away from the faith?

Lisa said Jesus is on every single page of Scripture. What does that mean? Why is it important?

How did this video teaching reveal the redemptive heart and extravagant love of God?

Homework: p. 146-157

Week 13 - How Much More Beautiful Are God's Miracles Under a Microscope, part 1

Luke 11:13

What impacted you the most from the video teaching?

Why is it so important for us to truly understand the story of creation?

How does it affect the way you see yourself? Your faith? Your witness?

Do you think most people around you find their worth and value in what God says about them or what culture says about them? Explain.

Have there been times in your life when you’ve distanced yourself from the Word of God? What were the consequences? How did you come back to God’s life-giving Word?

Homework: p. 161-180

Week 14 - How Much More Beautiful Are God's Miracles Under a Microscope, part 2

How are you using the person God created and called you to be as a bridge to help people get to Jesus?

How did this video teaching reveal the redemptive heart and extravagant love of God?

What has been your biggest takeaway from this study?

How has what you’ve learned going to change the way you view God? How is it going to change your relationship with Him? How will it change the way you minister and share your faith?

Homework: Put into practice all that you’ve learned!