The Spirit is still calling us into community

Everybody Gets to Play #12

Liberty Fam,

The Vineyard is known for its emphasis on the Kingdom of God breaking into our world in powerful, beautiful, and visible ways. Its values of partnering with the Holy Spirit, experiencing God in worship, reconciling communities, engaged in compassion, and culturally relevant witness define who we are as called and sent people. The glorious presence of the Lord we get to enjoy each week through music and releasing of the gifts of the Spirit during our gatherings are intimate, sweet times with the Lord. I shout and sing daily during my private time with the Lord. Beth and all on our team so beautifully take us to the throne room each week. This glory however only makes sense in the proper context. We truly are blessed to be a blessing and filled to be poured out in community. I am so thankful for the balance and commitment the Vineyard has to both gathering to worship and scattering to the world.

Yesterday, we reimagined afresh what it is to be “Together in Community.” Luke 14 and the Great Banquet was our landing place as we gained perspective on how Christ flipped things upside down for the society of His day. Christ called whosoever will to the dinner table and the Spirit is still calling each of us into community. Within our unique personalities and gifts the message yesterday was to go together into community. We. Do. Not. Need. To. Do. This Alone! May we continue to imagine and take steps towards our neighbors. In the coming days Liberty will have opportunities, both old and new, to lean in farther to our community. Let’s continue to be a people of invitation.

Practical Response:

We discussed a few ways to get involved yesterday.

  • Ask the Lord about what specific people, groups of people, or places He may want us to serve.
  • Prayer walk or prayer drive through your local community. Ask the Lord to show you His heart for what is there. I am attaching a document entitled “Exegeting Your Neighborhood” that can be so very helpful to enter and pray well for your community.
  • Ask someone to go with you on a prayer walk or even to engage in a specific aspect of your community.
  • Share your crazy ideas with those at LVC so we can partner with you and bring encouragement to what the Lord is stirring in you.

The Lord has so much delight in those who fear Him and are following His footsteps. I have been so very encouraged by the ways the Liberty Fam has ventured out into community over the years and as I stated yesterday, it is a major reason I was drawn to the church. The Lord is delighted. Our efforts to reimagine, forge ahead, and try new things has all to do with seeing Jesus become more and more famous and His name glorified. He is already delighted with us. Throw back any condemnation from the enemy that says if you do x, y, or z God will be more delighted with you. That is not true! We are secure in Him yet we respond with effort and hard work, tearing Satan’s kingdom down limb from limb through the power of the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for you all and am excited about our future!


John D. Trotter

Senior Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church

Sunday’s sermon: Together in Community (Pastor John Trotter)