Step into the flow of what God is stirring

Everybody Gets to Play #6

Liberty Fam,

Martha, Martha. . . what a refreshing look at the life of Martha from the Gospels by Pastor Nancy yesterday. I heard from several at LVC that the Lord spoke to them in personal and powerful ways. The last couple of weeks we have had a strong presence of the Lord and beautiful ministry time during our gatherings. Amid all the busyness of summer and the challenges of life, let’s stop and cheer for how God is stirring us. May we truly learn to be and do for the Lord. Once the message is up on our website you will definitely want to check out the message by Nancy, Redeeming Martha.

Next week is our family service where everyone will be gathered together in our main service. We will be offering goody bags to the kiddos with little fiddle toys to play with during the service so they don’t get too bored and will be giving everyone a chance to share what God is doing in their lives. Take some time this week to prepare your heart and be ready to share with others how great the Lord is. I can’t wait!

Later on this week or early next week, we will be sending out a short survey to help us better understand who we are as a congregation and how we are engaging our community. Where do we live, work, shop, eat, play – all those things help us define what our community truly is. We will also give you a chance to fill out where we can improve and what our dreams are as a congregation. It is short but this will help us greatly to discern who we are, who we want to be, and where to best place our emphasis as we reach out in our community. Be looking for that as we prepare to send it out soon. Can I say once more, Everyone. Gets. To. Play!

In response to the message on Sunday, take a minute to think through the following:

  • What did God speak or how did God speak to me? How do I need to follow that up and with whom could I get to hold me accountable?
  • How have I seen God working in my life over the last couple of weeks? Spend time in worship and praise for how He is moving.
  • Who do I know who is not able to experience sitting at the Lord’s feet or enjoy the mission He has prepared for them? How can you be inviting others into this through prayer, practical service, and with your words?

Guys, I feel that there is an undercurrent shifting us as a church. Just in a few weeks I have seen some of you begin to enter into more freedom, joy, and determination than you were just a month ago. That is only a work of the Spirit and does not come from human effort. Let’s step into that flow of what God is stirring and ride the waves. Let’s let those waves splash over to others who have not been able to experience this joy like we have. Hands in the pile with you.

All for One,


John D. Trotter

Senior Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church

Sunday’s sermon: Redeeming Martha (Pastor Nancy Penton)