Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit

Everybody Gets to Play #5

Liberty Fam,

If last week’s theme for LVC was radical invitation, I believe this weeks theme was to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, even when it doesn’t make sense. I wonder if the invitation to whosoever will then means that we get interrupted and don’t lean on our own understanding? The welcome and beauty that the Spirit brings is right before us.

We had a powerful presence of the Holy Spirit on Sunday as several in our Liberty family shared about their experience at the Southeast Vineyard Regional Conference. Personal breakthroughs, aha moments about the direction of the Vineyard movement, friends and networking for collaborative Kingdom ministry, intimate times of worship and spiritual direction – God really did come through in amazing ways! One person reminded us to keep our eyes on the “prize” and not get distracted by petty things. Another person shared at the conference not to rely fully on strategy and effort but to expect God to surprise us. Guys, I am expecting, waiting, anticipating. . . come Holy Spirit, come. Do only what you can do.

Here are a couple opportunities/exercises you may want to try this week:

  • At the start of each day, try praying out loud, asking the Lord to interrupt you, giving you opportunities to serve others. When that moment arises, because it probably will, honor the Lord with your obedience.
  • At the close of each day, put some ear buds in and listen to a worship song that was meaningful to you at a critical time of your life. Ask the Lord to do it again. . . to renew His fame and renown today (Habakkuk 2).
  • Ask Pastor John Anything – On Thursday at 8pm I will be on Zoom for a time to any of you to come in and chat. I want to give you an opportunity to ask me anything you want to ask me. Anything (lol). I specifically want to give you and opportunity though to ask about blindness, my eyesight, and so forth as I know this is a very curious thing for many of you. 😊

I care for you all and it is fun getting to know you and starting this journey together. Please know that I am available to meet, chat, text, call, whatever works best for you. I am not too busy and your voice and heart matter. Like really. 😊 Let’s press into the Spirit this week, expecting God to interrupt and surprise us, keeping our eyes on the prize.

All for Jesus,


John D. Trotter

Senior Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church

Sunday’s sermon: Vineyard SE Regional Conference attendees from LVC panel discussion