On the journey

Everybody Gets to Play #50

Liberty Vineyard family,

Two weeks ago Allen asked, “Who are you traveling through life with?” He led us through Acts chapter 20 as Paul interacted other believers as he continued his missionary journey performing signs and wonders (i.e., Eutychus, who fell asleep during Paul’s sermon, fell out a window and died. Paul raised him from the dead.) Paul warned his fellow Jesus-followers to beware of “wolves” that can infiltrate the church and attempt to lead believers away from the truth.

Paul knew believers needed other believers to help each other live out the Christian life.  Allen reminded us that we also need to find people that we connect with who will help us live our lives as disciples of Christ.

This Sunday Jim led us through Acts 21 in which Paul continued his journey on to Jerusalem. Paul allowed other believers speak into his life (again, the need for community in our life’s journey). He tried his best to navigate relationships with people from different cultures while holding fast to his belief that salvation is through Jesus Christ alone. Paul joined some fellow Jewish brothers who had come to know Christ in a cleansing ritual that he may not have believed necessary, but he endeavored to “be all things to all men.” 1 Corinthians 9:22

After being apprehended (again) Paul’s life was in danger. He asked the on in charge, “May I speak….” and then (in the language the people could understand) began to give his testimony of how God changed his life, and how He desires to do that for all who will come to Him.

A few questions to consider:

  • Who do I want to travel through life with? How do I deepen the relationships I have and also be open to new relationships God may have for me?
  • What does God have for me today and the days ahead in terms of loving Him (putting Him first) and being a light with my witness and God’s grace and kindness?
  • How might I serve others with my words and my actions at I continue my journey as a Christ follower?

With you on the journey,

Jim Roberson

Pastoral Care Team, Liberty Vineyard Church

(678) 469-8156

Recent Sunday sermons: