Engaging our community

Everybody Gets to Play #48

In the past two weeks, we have continued our journey through the Book of Acts and participated in two outreach ministry opportunities. On September 9, a team gathered to clean up the road on Jimmy Carter Boulevard. Our next opportunity will be December 2.

On September 10, Pastor Karen’s sermon included six words starting with the letter “I” in the title: In-between, Interdependent, Invitational, Insightful, Incarcerated, and Involved. In Acts 16, we meet Lydia in the place of prayer, as she opens her heart to hear what Paul and his companions shared. We see Paul and Silas worship God in prison and how the jailer meets Jesus through their witness and worship. Pastor Karen encouraged us, “Our identity is not primarily rooted in where or to whom we were born or any other demographic descriptors. Our identity is rooted in two simple words – ‘in Christ.’” One of the application points is the question: “How can we become more present and involved in the lives of others, some of whom we see and interact with, others of whom are hidden from our eyes?”

On September 16, our outreach was Music & Ministry at Meadowbrook, with Scott Mayhue playing banjo and several persons singing along with familiar tunes. One request came from a resident at the end of our music time for “Oh Susanna” (with a banjo on my knee). Several of us participated and sang along when we knew the songs. Meadowbrook requested a monthly commitment – the next opportunity to serve there is October 28.

On September 17, Pastor Nancy’s sermon, “Engaging the Athenians,” followed Paul as he continued his missionary journeys through Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. In Athens, Paul engaged the Athenians of the Areopagus on Mars Hill and connected their object of worship dedicated “to the unknown God” to the God Paul came to make known to them. One of the application points was to engage one person in a conversation this week with curiosity. “It is less threatening to someone when we are curious than when we try to be convincing.” Examples of questions: What gives you hope? Where do you look for beauty? What’s the best thing going on in your life right now?


Nancy Penton

Associate Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church

(404) 695-3181

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