Commissioned to go, to serve, to love

Everybody Gets to Play #31

Liberty Family,

Wasn’t that such an awesome, powerful presence of the Lord this last Sunday? I so appreciated everyone’s sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and the word that Pastor Karen brought was a “right now” word. I am thankful that we were all commissioned to go, to serve, and to love.

I mentioned weakness being power in God’s Kingdom on Sunday as Patricia’s exhortation reminded me of it. We can tend to focus on our inadequacies and spend so much energy on fixing ourselves that we overlook how God uses us even in our brokenness. For those who still feel stuck and like you are still on the road to healing, don’t give up! God is not done with you and He is with you on the journey but let us all be reminded that often the place from which we are sent out to love is from the place of vulnerability, inadequacy, and weakness.

I was doing a bit of writing for my doctoral studies this week and a phrase that came up a few times by those interviewed was “don’t count anyone out.” They were speaking of the “everybody gets to play” mantra of those with disabilities serving in God’s vineyard. I get this picture of those awaiting the descent of the Spirit in Acts being a little scared out of their minds as some of the most vulnerable to take the Gospel to the center of the powerful Roman Empire. Filled with the Spirit, they step to the plate boldly and God used them in their weaknesses. Liberty Vineyard, we are Christ’s disciples. We have met and encountered the Spirit. Our world, much like those in the times of the Roman Empire, are hostile to the Gospel. It is go time!

I would like to close with a prayer for this week:

Father, we come to you knowing that you are the God of gods. You alone, Jesus, are the King. I ask that you would embolden us in our own unique ways with a distinct mission to bring life, love, and liberty to everyone we see this week. May we live a week with no regrets. We ask that you would open doors that are shut and would you bring life to dead and dry places? Use us oh God for your glory and honor. In Christ’s name, amen.

With you,


John D. Trotter

Senior Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church

Sunday’s sermon: Go and Love! (Pastor Karen Sculley)