Ask God for opportunities to be invitational

Everybody Gets to Play #63

While the Sculleys have been away, LVC continued to “get to play.” We know Paul and Karen do so much behind the scenes to keep things moving along. As they’ve been far away for the past few weeks, we’ve continued to find ways to participate in community. As we do each week, we participated in communion with Dawn reminding of us the anticipated wedding supper of the lamb, and this week Don’s message of Jesus being our Passover lamb. The midweek prayer time has been a special time of praying for our own and for people around the world. Music and Ministry at Meadowbrook was especially sweet on Saturday. Tamera and Patricia led in some familiar songs and the residents were moved and their faces exuded joy. The ladies are continuing their Bible study “Nothing Wasted” on Thursday nights. We’ve kept in touch with each other’s highs and lows via WhatsApp – what a blessing to share our journey together.

Last week Allen continued our study of the book of Mark (chapter 2). The familiar story of the paralytic man whose creative friends lowered him down through the roof for healing. Jesus not only healed the man but also ‘forgave his sins.’ People were dumbfounded at the power and authority and power of Jesus. Jesus upset their traditions. Allen shared how he related to the paralytic man in the sense that he was spiritually a paralytic, and his friends ‘carried’ him to Jesus in prayer.  God (the hound of heaven) miraculously delivered and saved Allen through a series of events.

This week JR read from Mark 3 where Jesus asked, “Who is my mother and my brothers?” Who is invited and how does one become a member of God’s family? God’s invitation is to ALL people – whosoever will. Jesus modeled love and compassion for people society looked down on. He broadened the meaning of family to include anyone who does God’s will. We received that invitation and are now part of the beautiful (and sometimes messy) family of God.

This week let’s ask God for opportunities to be invitational toward others. Let’s truly listen, ask questions, and let others know they matter to us and to God the Father.

With you on the journey,

Jim Roberson

Pastoral Care Team, Liberty Vineyard Church

(678) 469-8156

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