On May 12, Pastor Karen delivered a creative sermon entitled Six Words To Live By, employing six words from Mark Chapter 6, verse 6b, “Then (he went about) among the villages teaching.” Karen shared personal stories to illustrate each of the words. At the end of the message, she not only encouraged us with the summary, “May we then go about among the people showing and telling the good news of the kingdom of God! Let’s go!” but also emphasized the importance of our active participation in proclaiming and demonstrating this good news.
Let us all take advantage of our opportunities as we do small things with great love. One practical way we can do this is to contribute to the cooperative, ecumenical alliance outreach that has been operating for seventeen years in Newnan called “One Roof.” We are gathering supplies to help them in a recent round of layoffs in their county involving more than seven hundred people. Their greatest listed needs include kid-friendly and senior-friendly foods, such as shelf-stable milk, cereal, macaroni, noodles, tuna, peanut butter, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, and gently used clothing. If you’d like to donate any of these items, bring them to our potluck lunch on Sunday, May 26th.
On May 18, we were scheduled for Music & Ministry at Meadowbrook until there was a staffing concern with no supervising activity director available for Saturday. Jim and Karen decided to cancel this month and reschedule this month’s offering for a later one. It is comforting to have seasoned leaders in our Pastoral Care & Leadership Team who would not want to place us in ethically jeopardizing situations, providing music and ministry without proper staff oversight. We are grateful for healthy boundaries and for not endangering us or the residents in the case of an emergency.
On May 19th, Pentecost Sunday, Jim Roberson continued in the Gospel of Mark with Chapter 7. Of all the paragraphs in that chapter, he selected the pericope* of the Syrophoenician woman whose daughter was hindered by an unclean spirit. (*pericope = noun “an extract from a text, especially the Bible”). The woman loved her daughter so much she was willing to risk everything to fall at the feet of Jesus and beg him for deliverance for her daughter. After an exchange about the little dogs eating from the table and how it is not right to give the children’s bread (deliverance) to the dogs, the woman responds with an answer full of faith and reason in verse 28. “Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” Jesus commended her reply, and when she went home, she found the demon, the unclean spirit, had departed from her daughter.
We never know the power of a kind word, a seed planted, or a contribution made. Yet, we are called to continue sowing and planting generously and frequently.
We learned a new-to-us song for Pentecost Sunday called “Awakening.” Below are the lyrics to the chorus and the bridge.
For you and you alone
Awake my soul, awake my soul, and sing
For the world you love
Your will be done, let your will be done in me.
Like the rising sun that shines
From the darkness comes a light
I hear your voice, and this is my
With love and blessings,
Rev. Dr. Nancy Penton
Associate Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church
Recent Sunday sermons: