Seeking, sharing, and sowing seeds

Everybody Gets to Play #45

This week, we continue to collect words from our intentional prayer times as we seek the Lord in this month of focused discernment through Sunday, August 13. Be sure to share what you receive of words of encouragement and wisdom with us this week. We are compiling them into a document we plan to make available soon. Submit words, dreams, visions, and pictures here.

On Sunday, July 30, we gathered for Testimony Sunday, something we do four times a year on the months with fifth Sundays. Jim facilitated our time together and lovingly invited each person who wanted to share what God has been doing to come and share. We heard about how God is actively working in healing bodies, empowering ministry in workplaces, speaking to us in our seeking, and helping us have spiritual conversations along the way. Our potluck lunch allowed us to enjoy a delicious vegetarian-themed meal at round tables. Conversations at tables enable us to go deeper with one another in our sharing and doing life together. The next Testimony Sunday will be on October 29.

Yesterday, I shared a bit about the Vineyard National Conference this past week. Allen and I attended the main and some breakout sessions for Missions in the Vineyard. We heard about the various partnerships Vineyard USA has established worldwide as churches partner to reach those who have yet to listen to and receive the good news of Jesus and God’s love. We also heard about Vineyard USA partnering with ministries that do compassion work, like Convoy of Hope, Samaritan’s Purse, Compassion International, and His Feet International. These ministries collaborate, take trips with Vineyard USA, and provide compassionate support for children, families, and communities in crisis from disasters and suffering hunger and malnutrition. We heard about partnering with sending organizations like Frontiers and Petros and from Global Frontier Missions training center in Tucker. For more on the Vineyard USA missions, podcasts, and resources, see the website

In yesterday’s sermon, we heard about Philip listening to the Holy Spirit, an angel, the apostles, and the ones he met along the way of serving Jesus. Philip started right where the eunuch was reading in the scriptures of Isaiah 53 to join the chariot. Philip engaged the conversation with, “Do you understand what you are reading?”

As we follow Jesus this week, I want to encourage us to pay attention to opportunities for spiritual conversations where we can be curious about what gives people hope or joy or wherever we can tune in to see what they understand and where we can join their journey. We can choose to be present with people or distracted with our devices. Let’s desire to be present and attentive. May we continue to sow seeds of love and listening as we walk with the Holy Spirit this week.


Nancy Penton

Associate Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church

(404) 695-3181

Recent Sunday sermons: