Oh Lord, teach us to walk in simple faith with You

Everybody Gets to Play #40

Liberty Vineyard,

I hope you are all off to a good first part of your week. We are continuing on in our Empowered Series. Last week Allen Penton brought us the Word talking about the various ways God heals. I don’t know about the rest of you but I thoroughly enjoyed the Scriptures we read together as well as Allen sharing from his own life. A big take away I had was that the more people praying for healing, the more people who are healed. 😊 It is rather simple isn’t it? Oh Lord, teach us to walk in simple faith with You.

I also want to give a quick update for those of you who were not at church this Sunday. The Seventh Day Adventist church did accept our proposal so we have full use of the building and will be signing a contract soon. This is such an act of grace on behalf of their congregation and we are thankful for this news. Like I mentioned two weeks ago however, we are still in a difficult place financially and unless we have significant changes we will not be able to uphold the new contract over a long period of time. On June 4th after church we will be discussing some of these realities and taking questions in a sort of town hall sort of format. I am praying for honesty with each other, transparency, vision, and faith. Thank you all for your faithfulness in giving and I am thankful with you for the grace that has been extended to us.

As we all reflect on this Sunday’s message as well as the strong presence of the Lord, I encourage you to reach out to someone from the church or another Christ-follower whom you trust and ask them to agree in prayer for someone who may need healing physically, spiritually, or emotionally. Let us not be slow to join together in prayer as we remember the faithfulness of our King.

With you on the journey,


John D. Trotter

Senior Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church

Sunday’s sermon: The Role of Faith in Healing (Allen Penton)