Notice what we notice

Everybody Gets to Play #56

Our monthly Music & Ministry at Meadowbrook has become popular with the residents and staff as various LVC musicians offer their vocal or instrumental talents. This Saturday afternoon, January 20th, at 2:00 pm, we will enjoy acoustic bluegrass music with Scott and Tamera, who will encourage all of us to sing and clap along. If you want to participate and offer your musical talent or ministry of presence to visit with the residents, you are welcome to join us.

On January 7, Pastor Nancy invited us to notice four ways of divine guidance in Matthew Chapter 2. The Magi (1) noticed nature (the star) and (2) asked clarifying questions (“Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star in the east and have come to pay him homage.”). Herod assembled the chief priests and scribes and inquired of them where the Messiah would be born. They (3) searched the Scriptures (to locate the prophecy about the Messiah’s birthplace in Bethlehem). After the star guided the Magi to the house where the child was, they worshipped and were transformed in the encounter with this promised Messiah. The (4) directional dreams warned the Magi to go home another way. Directional dreams also led Joseph to escape to Egypt with Mary and Jesus for safety, return to Israel when the ones who wanted to harm the child had died, and then settle in Galilee. The Holy Spirit has been given to us to guide us as we learn to notice what we notice and discern where we are to follow Jesus.

On January 14, Pastor Karen concluded the Advent series with Simeon and Anna in Luke Chapter 2. Both Simeon and Anna were guided by the Holy Spirit to be present in the temple and waiting for the promised Messiah, the redemption of Israel. She asked how we can manifest the Kingdom of God on earth here and now in practical ways and encouraged us to “Pay attention to any strong desire to get involved in a particular way.” Pastor Karen offered four suggestions that all start with the letter “p.” (Alliteration accentuates and activates the application avenues.) (1) “participate in healing (physical, emotional, and social), doing justice, and delivering those held captive by evil.” (2) “pray. To pray in Jesus’ name means to ask the future kingdom to break into the present world. To pray for others is to be present with them and cry out for God’s mercy.” (3) “proclaim the Good News of Jesus to others. We have conversations along the way, we offer well-placed questions, we invite others to consider the claims of Christ, and we help people to find their place in God’s story.” (4) “Become present in the present in the presence of God, wherever and whenever we are.”  And then she ended with the thought-provoking question, “What are you waiting for?”

As we continue our journey together, let us pray for and consider how God invites and guides us and then notice what we notice this week.

Join us in the various ways “Everybody Gets to Play” at Liberty Vineyard Church.

Rev. Dr. Nancy Penton

Associate Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church


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