Let’s continue doing Kingdom work

Everybody Gets to Play #57

Last week Karen began the new series: Vineyard Values. Tamera’s communion meditation focused on ‘remembering’ the blessings of our heritage (and Patricia continued the theme this week). Many people have poured into our lives and influenced us profoundly in helping us understand who God is and why He came: the writers of the Bible written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirt, the apostles, saints of old and not-so-old, family, friends, pastors, mentors, etc. Karen began the series by reminding us of our dependence upon the Holy Spirit. After being poured out on the Day of Pentecost, He has invited us to be continuously filled for our own benefit and to minister in His power to others. After the sermon, we were invited to ask the Holy Spirt to come and speak to us. Several people shared what God was speaking to them for our edification.

This week we heard Allen’s exhortation to ‘equip the saints for the work of the ministry.’ This Vineyard Value is at the core of our belief system. We have been and are continuing to be equipped personally as well as equipping those in our sphere of influence. Jesus modeled leadership servanthood. The Holy Spirit equips us with the tools we need an any given time to demonstrate his power. We are to be sensitive (listen) to His prompting and be aware of His desire to work in us and through us.

Last week and this week, at the end of the sermon, the church was asked to respond to the Holy Spirit sharing what God was speaking through the messages from Karen and Allen. It was beautiful to hear others exhort one another. This newsletter is about “Everyone Gets to Play,” and we are living that out. In our Town Hall lunch and meeting, Don beautifully called us to pray for our country’s upcoming election. Others shared, and I really believe everyone feels ‘heard’ and valued. What a gift that is to each of us.

This week let’s ask God to show us how we need to continue to be equipped in our own ‘walk’ and ask Him to help us be intentional in equipping others. It’s about the kingdom, so let’s continue doing kingdom work.

With you on the journey,

Jim Roberson

Pastoral Care Team, Liberty Vineyard Church

(678) 469-8156

Recent Sunday sermons: