God shows up in the details of our lives

Everybody Gets to Play #30

Liberty Vineyard,

We continue to weave our way through 1 John as a church. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read through chapter two sometime this week. On Sunday, Pastor Karen shared with us from the first several verses of chapter two, helping us understand how we know that we know God. Combining what we think/believe with what we do is no easy task and 1 John gives us a powerful reminder of that.

This Sunday is also a month with a “fifth Sunday” so we will be sharing stories of what God has done. Take a minute this week to meditate or even jot down how you have seen God at work over these last weeks. I am excited for us to all be together. Following the worship service, we will be having a community meal and inviting those from the community to eat with us. Invite away and pray that the Lord ministers in a unique way to those gathered.

The only specific call to action I want to throw your way this week is to pray specific prayers. I think sometimes we can get in the habit of praying quite generally for different things. As you pray, let’s all pray for specific people, with specific situations, asking God for specific things, an hopefully obeying in specific ways. Can I say specific again? God is such a God who shows up in the details of our lives. Praying with you!

All for One,


John D. Trotter

Senior Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church

Sunday’s sermon: How Do We Know If We Know God? (Pastor Karen Sculley)