Give us eyes to see

Everybody Gets to Play #54

Last Sunday we began a new series of sermons around the period of time we call Advent. This is a time of spiritual preparation readying ourselves to celebrate the coming (or arrival) of Jesus in the flesh. Allen began with the question, “Have you ever met an angel?” You may remember a popular television show called Touched by an Angel that ran from 1994 to 2003. Though the show was a work of fiction, it did remind us that angels are indeed real and do appear and interact with people. In Luke 1:5-18 we read about the miraculous births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Angels actually appear three times to foretell the events leading up to Jesus’ birth. Allen shared a personal story of picking up a hitchhiker (years ago) who gave Allen some words of wisdom and guidance. This mysterious man (or angel) appeared (and disappeared) at a time when Allen needed help. If you didn’t hear this story, check it out on LVC’s website.

This morning Karen continued the story of Jesus’s birth. Joseph bravely traveled with pregnant Mary (his betrothed) over 90 miles to Bethlehem as part of the census (and yes, they had to pay taxes even back then). Though the Jewish people were expecting their Messiah to come back as a powerful, conquering king, God had something different in mind. We’ve been singing the song, Manger Throne, in which the lyrics read:

To Jesus the King on a manger throne

You could have marched in all Your glory into the heart of Rome

Showed them splendor like they’d never known

But you wrote a BETTER STORY

In humble Bethlehem

Creator in the arms of common men

To whom did God send the angels to announce the ‘glad tidings?’ To the governor? The emperor? No, to ‘lowly’ Shepherds – the people many in their culture viewed a low-class, undesirable, on par with scorned tax collections.  The message is clear, that by appearing before humble shepherds, God is clearly saying the Good News is for ALL. Isaiah 9:6,7 – For unto US a child is born.

As we continue this month reflecting on the miraculous coming of Christ; as we listen to Karen’s Advent project in which we hear the Scriptures, songs, and meditations that focus on the Christ child; may we know God in a fresh way. May we experience the wonder of it all.

Questions to consider:

  • How can we become more aware of God’s presence in our lives? When we think about the words, “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these, you’ve done it unto me.”  What does that look like in our own lives?
  • How can we be present, “see,” and treat others the way Christ would?

Holy Spirit, give us eyes to see what you are doing in and around us during this season of Advent.

With you on the journey,

Jim Roberson

Pastoral Care Team, Liberty Vineyard Church

(678) 469-8156

Recent Sunday sermons: