Getting minds, hands, & hearts around what a disciple is & does

Everybody Gets to Play #15

Liberty Fam,

Discipleship is one of those words that gets thrown around in Christian circles, remaining fairly elusive at times. I have seen discipleship kind of feel like holding a piece of Jell-o and just when you begin to get some movement that piece of Jell-o slips from your hands onto the ground. Pastor Nancy helped us get our minds, hands, and hearts around what being a disciple is and does yesterday. Be sure to listen in to the message online if you were unable to be there yesterday.

Inviting others into our lives in honor and in response to following Christ is the start of this discipling journey for us. We are continually ”repenting and believing” (Mark 1:15-16) and we are doing that together. We should not and really can not do discipleship alone. It requires a community.

Here are a few questions I have had people who are discipling me ask me:

  • Briefly describe your discipling journey. Who were some of the influential disciplers in your life and what did that entail?
  • How accessible are you to those you are discipling? How much time do you spend together? Would they say you are accessible as well?
  • Reflect on some of the mountain top experiences along your discipling journey. Jot down notes on how God has met you as you have journeyed with Him and others.
  • Are you and those you are discipling holding one another accountable in areas where you struggle? Are you praying together?
  • What are you doing with those you are discipling to demonstrate how to serve or minister? Are you serving together?
  • What fun things are you and your disciple(s) doing together not directly related to church programs?

Come and see. Follow me. Be with me. Remain in me. These four invitations and challenges have changed my life. They have changed the lives of many with whom I have a discipling relationship. Let’s continue to lean in, discovering depth after depth of our Lord.

With you,


John D. Trotter

Senior Pastor, Liberty Vineyard Church

Sunday’s sermon: Together in Discipleship (Pastor Nancy Penton)