On months with five Sundays, we switch things up a bit in our worship service. We still worship God in song and prayer, and we celebrate Communion together. But in place of our regular sermon, on that 5th Sunday, we have a family service and call it “Testimony Sunday.” This is an opportunity to tell “God stories” – places in our lives where we’ve noticed God at work in our lives in recent weeks. God is always doing a good, holy, and beautiful work in each person – it’s good to pause and consider and share and celebrate what we notice, for God’s glory and to build others up! What’s your story? Come find your place in God’s story! (Also, we always enjoy a potluck lunch together afterwards!)
Here are a few excerpts from Testimony Sundays we’ve done:
Turning Around, Encouragement, Warning, Unanswered Questions (Testimony Sunday)
Kintsugi – Beauty in the Broken (Testimony Sunday)